Why choose IAMR for Life Science courses
The IAMR aims at nurturing the talent of young boys and girls by providing them high quality hands-on education. IAMR's vision brings a global perspective to all its activities. Driven by this vision, IAMR has constantly endeavored to grow and consolidate its global network. Our aim is to incorporate the world’s best academic practices into our programs. As IAMR’s vision has taken shape and grown, quite naturally the people associated with IAMR have also grown in tandem. Our highly experienced faculties have increasingly worked on research problems as well as research oriented consulting, and have made significant contribution to know-how. Our bright young students have developed their minds and have embarked upon promising careers in the Science and Technology. The executives who have been trained at IAMR have developed their latent leadership capabilities, and several of them have made it right to the top in their respective organizations.
The Life Sciences Department of IAMR located in National Capital Region which provides a highly conducive academic environment, proximity to the strategy makers of the industry and practitioners of services, exposure to the national universities and companies, and a ready profile of strong alumni base spread throughout India. To create a learning community that values productive and creative actions, the educational process that would help the community realize these values is through inward and outward openness. In IAMR campus, every member, staff or student has sufficient freedom to pursue his her own interests while meeting the common interests of community. Free development of each individual is an essential condition for the free development of all.