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Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor
Life Science -


Assistant Professor 

Educational Qualification:

M.Sc. (Microbiology), Ph.D. (Biotechnology)


Academic: 1+ yr.  | Research: 7y

Research publications in International Journal:

Neha Gupta, Rita Singh Majumdar (2016) ‘Response of Iodine on Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant Levels of Glycine max-L. Grown Under Heavy Metal and Heat Stress’, Innovare Journal of Sciences, 4 (5),pp.1-3

Neha Gupta, Monika Shukla Bajpai, Rita Singh Majumdar and Dinesh Singh (2016) ‘Effect of exogenous iodine on enhancement of oxidative stress in soybean (Glycine max-L) plant and partial expression of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin gene under heatstress conditions’, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(5),pp. 686–90.

Monika Shukla Bajpai, Neha Gupta, Suresh Kaushik, Vimlendu Bhushan, Sinha, Rita Singh Majumdar “Biochemical adaptations of Ocimum sanctum L to varying HgCl2 Stress.” Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 20, 12 (2016). 

Monika Shukla Bajpai, Neha Gupta, Rita Singh Majumdar, “Biochemical Adaptations of Ocimum sanctum to NaCl stress.” Research Journal of Chemistry  and Environment 20, 2 (2016).

Neha Gupta, Monika Shukla Bajpai, Rita Singh Majumdar and Pankaj K Mishra (2015) ‘Response of Iodine on Antioxidant Levels of Glycine max L. Grown under Cd Stress’, Advances in Biological Research, 9(1),pp. 40-48.

Hari Ojha, Monika Shukla Bajpai, Neha Gupta, Simendra Singh and Pankaj Kishor Mishra (2014) Proteomic Analysis in Seeds of in vitro Cultured Glycine max L. cv. Merrill Grown under Cadmium Stress accepted Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry". Impact factor 4.5 (NAAS Rating)

Neha Gupta, Monika Shukla Bajpai, Pankaj Kishor Mishra, Rita Singh Majumdar (2014) Study of Seed Germination and Protein Content of Four Varieties of Glycine max L.–A Miracle Crop Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology. 4: 12-14.

Neha Gupta, Monika Shukla Bajpai, Rita Singh Majumdar and Pankaj K Mishra (2013) 1-Cysteine Peroxiredoxin: A Less Studied Member Of Peroxiredoxin In Plants. Int J Pharm Bio Sci. 4: 222 – 229.Impact factor 0.47. 

Neha Gupta, D.Prasad (2012) Production of Allexivirus free garlic plants through Meristem Culture….. A Biotechnological Tool. National Symposium on Prospects, Utility and Challenges of Biotechnology in Agricultural Development.

Book Chapter:

Prediction of Co-regulated genes in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis using Microarray expression profile for publish in Plant Protection and Biotechnology.

Production of Allexivirus free garlic plants through Meristem Culture: A Biotechnological Tool, Publish in National Symposium on Prospects, Utility and Challenges of Biotechnology in Agricultural Development. 

Detection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based methods’ accepted Plant Protection and Biotechnology(vol2)


Won Best Oral presentation award in an National Symposium on Prospects, Utility and Challenges of Biotechnology in Agricultural Development, Organized by the Society of Biological Sciences and Rural Development, Allahabad, held on 11-12 Nov, 2011.

Paper presented in National / International Conferences and Workshop:

Attended/presented papers in more than 12 National & International level Seminars, Symposiums and Workshops organized in different parts of the country.

Practical working knowledge:

Plant biochemistry, Stress Biology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Plant Tissue Culture

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